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Sporting Schools
Partnering with Sport Australia to get kids active through netball
Sporting Schools is an Australian Government initiative designed to help schools increase participation in sport and connect them with community sporting programs. As South Australia's number one sport for girls, we believe in the role schools play in fostering a lifelong connection to sport.
Sporting Schools offers grant opportunities for primary schools, and targeted grant opportunities for secondary schools in relation to year 7 and 8 students. Grants support the delivery of sport-based programs to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life.
Perfect for Primary School students. Netball Schools is Australia’s official school starter program for girls & boys in Year Foundation to Year 6. It’s a chance to learn the basics, get outside & make friends. For a lot of kids, this is the first time they’ll pick up a netball or put on a bib. It’s a learning experience & lots of fun!
Suitable for Secondary School Students. Crank up the dial on traditional netball with Fast5. Think five players, different scoring zones, rolling subs, shorter quarters, Power Plays and Super Shots! Students will also develop skills in off-court roles of umpire, timekeeper and scorer.