About Us

Netball is proudly the number one team sport for women and girls in South Australia. More than a million adults nationally also recognise netball as the sport they most identify with.

Affiliated with Netball Australia, Netball SA is the peak body for netball in South Australia, with close to 35,000 members across the state.

Our membership comprises of 35 affiliated associations, two divisions and 340 clubs. We are also responsible for nine netball academies, including eight regional academies and one metropolitan academy. We deliver a range of programs for players, coaches, officials, schools and the broader community to help provide opportunities for all involved in our great sport.

Netball SA runs the elite team, the Adelaide Thunderbirds, competing in the Suncorp Super Netball - highly regarded as the world’s best netball competition.

The Netball SA Hospital Research Foundation Group Premier League is proudly the pinnacle state-based netball competition in South Australia, with 240 of the state's best talent competing across eight clubs in the highly competitive league. 

Netball SA also operate our stadium in Mile End, helping to create a central home for netball in South Australia. The venue is the second most visited sporting venue in the state, welcoming more than 450,000 through its doors each year.

We believe the power of netball has the ability to enrich lives, enhance communities and inspire generations.

Our Purpose

We provide opportunities to enrich lives through the power of our sport.